Our online mapping tool

Our mapping tool gives visitors to the website the opportunity to search for their site using the postcode, road name, town, lat/long or by a landmark. The user then can draw their site freehand using our pencil tool, being able to edit as they create this as well as see the size of the site in hectares as its drawn.

Once you have drawn the site you can see all the quoted prices, whether you are looking for a Prime, Premier or Premier Plus. Our website also gives you the ability to add the PALM, with a cost for this also outlined. If you are unsure what each of the different reports contain, click ‘find out more’ below each product type.

After proceeding with your chosen report and PALM (if you have added this), you can see the different turnaround times available for the size of your site. We also give you the option to deselect certain disbursements: Virgin Media, Vodafone and GTT. If you choose not to include them we also will provide an outline of what this means to your Utility Search. If you choose to include these, prices are provided for these additional utilities.

Now you can either log in or request an account (if you are new to Premier Energy). Once logged in you can name your site, give various other site details and add a site location plan for us to use.

Your basket will then give you a summary of your order including the report type, turnaround time, overall price and breakdown. There is also the ability to also add more sites to your order.

Finally, once you are happy with your order, you can now proceed to payment where you will be able to instantly order your site via credit card or invoice – it’s as simple as that!

If you do have any questions when it comes to how to use our online mapping tool to order your reports, please contact us.
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